Robert Allan Edgar was born in 1940.
Edgar Allan Brown was born in 1888.
Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809
Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809.
John Allan with his wife Frances Allan became the foster parents of Edgar Allan Poe after his mother died when Poe was almost three years old.
Edgar Allan Woolf was born on April 25, 1881, in New York City, New York, USA.
Poe's foster mother, Frances Allan, and natural father, David Poe Jr, were born in the United States, and Poe's foster father, John Allan, was born in Scotland. It was Poe's natural mother, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe, who was born in England.
Edgar Poe. He was given the name Edgar Allan Poe by his foster family, John and Frances Allan, although they never formally adopted him.
David Poe, Jr., Edgar Allan Poe's natural father, was born on July 18, 1784, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Edgar Allan Poe was born in his parents home in Boston, Massachusetts. Being born outside of a hospital was common in Poe's day.
The president who was born the same year as Edgar Allan Poe was Andrew Jackson. Both were born in 1809.
Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809