St. Vincent Beechey was born in 1806.
St Vincent Cotton was born on 1801-10-06.
Edna St. Vincent Millay was born on February 22, 1892.
Vincent McDoom was born on October 27, 1965, in St. Lucia, Caribbean.
Vincent Bryan was born on June 22, 1878, in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada.
Saint Vincent de Paul was born on April 24, 1581.
Vincent Graton was born on May 13, 1959, in Ville St.-Laurent, Qubec, Canada.
Vincent was born April 24,1581, near Ranquine, Gascony near Dax, southwest France
No, Edna St. Vincent Millay did not have any children. She was a poet and playwright who focused on her writing and did not have any known offspring.
Shivern Peters was born on April 27, 1984, in Bequia, St. Vincent.
The Boys of St. Vincent was created in 1992.
St. Vincent's Academy was created in 1845.