Beatrix Farrand was born in 1872.
The phone number of the Beatrix Farrand Society is: 410-370-0570.
The address of the Beatrix Farrand Society is: Po Box 111, Mount Desert, ME 04660-0111
Farrand Stranahan died in 1826.
Daniel Farrand died in 1825.
Max Farrand died in 1945.
Beatrix Farrand did not start Garland Farm. Garland Farm got it's name from James and Maria Garland (my grandparents). It was a working farm, and they sold milk, eggs, vegetables. Upon Maria's death, Lewis Garland bought out the other siblings for Garland Farm. Lewis and Amy Garland lived there. Lewis and Amy worked their whole lives for Beatrix Farrand. In 1955, at the age of 83, Beatrix decided to dismantle her home, Reef Point, in Bar Harbor. She built a house inbetween the Garland Farm house and barn. Amy and Lewis took care of Beatrix for the remainder of her life. Beatrix died in 1959.
Farrand Stewart Stranahan died in 1904.
William Farrand Prosser died in 1911.
James Farrand Ruttan died in 1904.
Livingston Farrand died on 1939-11-08.
Royal T. Farrand died on 1927-03-28.