Dr. Lecky passed away on February 3, 2016. He was a renowned psychologist and author known for his work on cognitive dissonance and self-consistency theories.
Dr Tomas P Lecky birthday is 1994 31st of december he died 1904 his rigth name is Dr Thomas Pillip Lecky he was born in portland
No. He died in 1994.
Dr. Thomas Phillip Lecky.
Yes. He died in 1994 at the age of 90.
dr thomas p leckt died 1994 when he was 90 years of age
dr thomas p leckt died 1994 when he was 90 years of age
Prescott Lecky died in 1941.
Doctor Thomas P Lecky was born in 1904. He passed away in 1994. He was ninety years old at the time of his death.
Dr. Thomas P. Lecky attended the University of Iowa and the University of Chicago.
Dr. Thomas P. Lecky was born in 1904 in Portland, Jamaica.