Maya Angelou's first child was a son named Clyde.
Maya Angelou gave birth to her son, Guy Johnson, in 1945.
Clyde (Guy) Angelou
Maya Angelou has 1 child
No, Maya Angelou had only one son named Guy Johnson.
Yes, Maya Angelou has one son named Guy Johnson.
Maya Angelou's son, Guy Johnson, is alive, and there is no public information suggesting that he is unable to walk.
Guy Johnson
She was 17
Maya Angelou was married twice. First, she was married to Tosh Angelos from 1951 to 1954, and then she was married to Paul du Feu from 1973 to 1981. Angelou had one son, Guy Johnson.
Maya Angelou Has one son whos name is Clyde Johnson but he changed his name to Guy