There is no reference to a Church Mouse in any of Lewis Carroll's writings.
It doesn't appear in any of his fictional works, nor does it appear in any of the books, articles, letters or diaries written under his real name, Charles Dodgson.
There are references made in several online dictionaries to Carroll creating a character called Church Mouse, (See link below) but none of them quotes a source and they appear to be mistaken.
The Church Mouse was created in 1934.
Church, no doubt! I've heard it said 'quiet as a mouse' or 'poor as a church mouse'.
church mouse.
charity church mouse is a character on on a childrens musc album called The Music Machine
The expression is "poor as a church mouse," and it means extremely poor, to the point of starvation.
A church mouse refers to a symbolic image of a mouse that is imagined as being quiet and poor due to the lack of food available in a church environment. It is often used to describe someone who is very poor or quiet.
The Church Mouse - 1934 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved (PCA #094)
It means very, very quiet. As quiet as a little mouse in a big, crowded church would be.
Mouse Lewis Lung Cancer is a cell line discovered by Dr. Margaret R. Lewis of the Wistar Institute in 1951. This tumor originated spontaneously as a carcinoma of the lung of a C57BL mouse. It's also called 3LL and LLC and is used as a model for lung cancer in animal studies.
The answer is Church Mouse
Firstly it is QUIET as a church mouse and plus this isn't actually a question but just five words witha question mark at the end.