In the book "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, a hyperbole is used when the protagonist says "my heart stopped beating" to emphasize the intensity of her emotions in a particular moment.
In the book "Gathering Blue," a hyperbole is an exaggeration used for emphasis or effect. One example of hyperbole in the book is when Kira describes the building as so tall it touches the sky.
A hyperbole in the book "Breadwinner" would be an exaggerated statement used to emphasize a point or create a vivid image. For example, if a character in the book said, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," it would be a hyperbole used to convey extreme hunger.
In the book Eragon, a hyperbole is used when the character Orik says he could drink a river of ale and not get drunk. This is an exaggeration to emphasize the extent of his drinking abilities.
In the book "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor, hyperbole is used to emphasize extreme situations or emotions. For example, when Phillip says he will die if he doesn't have water, it is a hyperbolic statement to show the severity of his situation. Hyperbole helps create tension and drama in the story.
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Extreme exaggeration used in a literary work is known as hyperbole.
a dictionary because it some times give you how to pronounce it
One example of hyperbole in the book "Holes" is when Zero tells Stanley that he was born in a homeless shelter and lived there his whole life without parents. This is an exaggeration used to emphasize Zero's difficult upbringing and lack of family support.
Hyperbole means to exaggerate something. Hyperbole is used for rhetorical effect to draw attention to the subject and sometimes is used for comedy.
A hyperbole is a literary term where exaggeration is used to emphasize a point.
hyperbole can be used oppositely some thing some thing etc
A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.