Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Emily Dickinson's mother's name was Emily Norcross Dickinson.
Emily Dickinson's birth name is Emily Elizabeth Dickinson.
Emily Dickinson died of Bright's disease, also known as nephritis, a kidney disorder. She passed away at the age of 55 on May 15, 1886.
Emily Dickinson never married .
Emily Dickinson is a/an Poet
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There were three children in Emily Dickinson's family - Emily herself and her two siblings, Austin and Lavinia. Emily was the second child born to Edward and Emily Dickinson.
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson. c:
Emily Dickinson died of Bright's disease, a kidney disorder, on May 15, 1886.
Emily Dickinson was born and lived in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Emily Dickinson's parents were Edward Dickinson and Emily Norcross Dickinson. Edward was a lawyer and served in Congress, while Emily Norcross Dickinson was a homemaker. They had three children together, Emily being the second child.