Lam-ang- was an extraordinary being, manifesting in his early years when he started to speak, thus enabling him to choose his own name.
Don Juan- father of Lam-ang
Namongan- mother of Lam-ang
Ines Kannoyan- Lam-ang love's interest
Sumarabng- other suitor of Lam-ang
The main characters of the Ilokano epic "Biag ni Lam-ang" are Lam-ang, son of Don Juan and Namongan; Ines Kannoyan, Lam-ang's love interest; and Sumarang, Lam-ang's faithful dog. Lam-ang is portrayed as a heroic figure who possesses superhuman strength and bravery, while Ines Kannoyan is depicted as a beautiful and virtuous maiden who captures Lam-ang's heart. Sumarang plays a significant role as a loyal companion to Lam-ang throughout his adventures.
In "Biag ni Lam-ang," the main character is Lam-ang, who is a noble warrior endowed with extraordinary strength and abilities. His wife, Ines Kannoyan, is captured by a sea serpent when Lam-ang goes to fight enemies. He avenges her kidnapping by defeating the serpent and her captors. Lam-ang's mother, Namongan, also plays a significant role in the epic as a caring and protective figure.
In Greek mythology, Eros, the god of love and desire, played a role in shaping the actions of characters in epic poems by influencing their emotions and relationships. Eros often caused mortals and gods alike to fall in love, sparking conflict and inspiring both heroic deeds and tragic outcomes. His presence demonstrated the power of love to drive characters to extremes and shape the course of epic narratives.
Vengeance is a significant theme in the Odyssey, driving the actions of characters like Odysseus and the suitors. Odysseus seeks revenge on those who wronged him, while the suitors face retribution for their disrespectful behavior towards his family. This desire for vengeance motivates the characters and shapes the plot of the epic.
In Part 2 of the Odyssey, the gods play a significant role by intervening in the mortal characters' lives, showcasing their power and influence. This mirrors the common epic theme of gods interacting with heroes and shaping their destinies. Their involvement in mortal affairs underscores the overarching themes of fate, divine order, and the supernatural elements that define the epic genre.
It is his goal and motivation to return there throughout the epic.
He is the Danish King.
If it’s from the Epic of Gilgamesh, his role was trying to save humanity.
If it’s from the Epic of Gilgamesh, his role was trying to save humanity.
The Jade Emperor in "Journey to the West" serves as a powerful deity who oversees the celestial realm and plays a significant role in the story by issuing tasks and challenges to the main characters, particularly Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.
Mother of Odysseus; dies of grief
Hermes, the messenger god in Greek mythology, plays a significant role in the Odyssey by aiding and guiding the hero, Odysseus. He influences the events in the epic by delivering messages from the gods to help Odysseus on his journey home. Hermes also assists Odysseus in his encounters with various characters, providing him with advice and protection. Overall, Hermes serves as a key figure in the story, facilitating Odysseus's return to Ithaca.
when in a book/speech, a role is when there is a several characters speaking so you say its their role (: hope that helps