Thomas Aquinas, a medieval philosopher and theologian, is known for his attempt to reconcile Aristotle's teachings with Christian doctrine. He believed that reason and faith could coexist harmoniously and that the insights of Aristotle could deepen understanding of Christian beliefs. Aquinas's work in this regard became influential in the development of Western philosophy and theology.
Augustine of Canterbury attempted to reconcile the Celtic and Latin factions of the Church of England. Eventually he persuaded the king of the Anglo-Saxons to accept Christianity.
Bendedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) Coverted from Judaism to Protestanism, attempted to explain that God was the ultimate creator but Reason and rationalism were still important
Café Reconcile was created in 1996.
To reconcile means to make amends, to resolve or accept something. Here are some sentences.They tried to reconcile their differences.He should reconcile himself to being a B student instead of an A student.Let's reconcile this problem before we end the meeting.
My girlfriend and I decided to reconcile after the huge fight.
The past tense of "reconcile" is "reconciled."
conform is a synonym for reconcile
Yes, scholasticism is a system of medieval philosophy that emphasized the use of reason to reconcile faith and reason in understanding religious doctrines. It sought to integrate philosophy with theology to address questions about the nature of God, ethics, and the universe.
The noun forms for the verb to reconcile are reconciler, reconciliation, reconcilement, and the gerund reconciling.The adjective forms for the verb to reconcile are reconciliatory and reconcilable.
(boyfriends name), I want to reconcile with my husband.
Immanuel Kant attempted to reconcile rationalism and empiricism by arguing that both reason and experience are necessary for acquiring knowledge. He proposed that while our senses provide us with raw data, it is our mind's innate structures (such as space and time) that organize and make sense of this data. Therefore, according to Kant, knowledge is derived from both rational principles and empirical observations.
"Mediate" or "reconcile" are synonyms for "conciliate."