"I Shall Return" came from Douglas MacArthur, General of the US Army, as he retreated from the Phillipines, during WW 2.
The phrase "you shall return" appears in The Bible in Genesis 3:19, where God tells Adam, "You are dust, and to dust you shall return." This is often interpreted as a reminder of human mortality.
He said, "I shall return." It was Douglass MacArthur.
The Philippines.
His famous speech, in which he said, "I came out of Bataan and I shall return", was made at Terowie, South Australia, on March 20, 1942.
The general who said, 'I shall return.' was Douglas MacArthur. He said it as he departed the Philippines early in World War II. He did indeed return to take the islands back from Japan a few years later.
Douglas MacArthur
Douglas McArthur.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the person who said the tagline "I'll be back" in the first installment of the famous Terminatortrilogy.
It was Carlos P. Romulo, who coined the famous phrase "I shall return" by General Douglas MacArthur. Romulo was MacArthur's press officer at that time.
General Douglas MacArthur.
General Douglas MacArthur. But I'm not sure on what occasion. :P
The American commander in Asia who famously said, 'I came through and I shall return' was Douglas MacArthur. The speech was given in Australia after his escape from the Philippines.
General Douglas MacArthur made the famous statement "I shall return" when forced to leave the Philippines during World War II.