Jerk Dickison
Alexander Graham Bell invented it in the summer of 1874, in brantford, ON
The first summer school is often attributed to Harvard University, which established its Summer School in 1871. This was designed to provide additional educational opportunities for students during the summer months.
Alexander Graham Bell made the telephone at his summer home in Brantford, Ontario in the summer of 1876
Baron Pierre de Coubertin
the beach ball
it started when god invented it and that was in 0
Pickleball was invented during the summer of 1965 by three men who lived on a small island very close to Seattle, Washington.
Trampolining became an Olympic sport during the 2000 summer games in Sydney, Australia.
The first summer activity ever invented was complaining about the heat. The cavemen figured it out rather naturally the summer after they invented fire, after finding their invention less helpful in the new season. This was a multifaceted activity, because even early on the cavemen understood the paradox that their fur clothes made them feel hotter but removing the clothing exposed them to sunburn. - Other important activities such as eating, sex and sleep should not be forgotten!
Alexander Graham Bell conceived of (invented) the telephone at his summer home in Brantford, Ontario in the summer of 1876, and then later physically created his first telephone in Boston, Massachusetts (where, he said, it was 'born').
Clarence Crane - a chocolate manufacturer - invented lifesavers candy in 1912 because he wanted a candy that could withstand summers boiling heat better than chocolate (yum):p