The address of the Casselton Public Library is: 702 1St Street North, Casselton, 58012 1090
The address of the Casselton Heritage Center Inc is: Po Box 802, Casselton, ND 58012-0802
Lorna Casselton was born in 1938.
The phone number of the Casselton Public Library is: 701-347-4861.
The phone number of the Casselton Heritage Center Inc is: 701-347-4797.
Rusty Casselton died in 30 December 2007 of cancer.
Rusty Casselton was born on May 8, 1954, in Moorhead, Minnesota, USA.
Emmett's full name in Twilight is Emmett Cullen, not Emmett Dale McCarty.
Emmett's Full Name Is > Emmett Mcathy Cullen..x
The address of the Emmett Public is: 275 S Hayes Ave, Emmett, 83617 2972
Emmett's real mane in the book is Emmett Mcarthy.
Emmett is 6'5".