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Q: Who is kileghen?
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Why do you think kileghen feels triumphant at the end?

I think Kileghen feels triumphant because she knew Temas and Medoto were enemies, but because of her belt, they became friends.

Who is Kileghen in brothers are the same?

She is the girl of Temas' dreams that likes him at the end

Why is medoto temas's enemy?

because they were both attracted to kileghen and temas was afraid of the lion that he will fail

Why is temas more afraid of failing than of being hurt or killed by a lion?

Because he was more afraid of being laughed at by Medeto and if he fails kileghen will see his failure.

Give an example of composition writing?

what type of composition? this is a compare & contrast:"Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing describe very similar moments of crisis. The circumstances surrounding the rites of passage each main character goes through are completely different but the reasons for making the passage, the obstacles they face, and what aspects of their characters are being tested are very much the same despite the differences in culture. Jerry, in "Through the Tunnel", wants to prove to himself that he is as strong as the other boys, that he is independent from his mother; that he is growing up. When his mother insisted he come with her to the beach on the second day he feels that "It was a torment to him to waste a day of his careful self-training, but he stayed with her on that other beach, which now seemed a place for small children, a place where his mother might lie safe in the sun. It was not his beach." (Lessing). Temas, though older, also feels caught between his previous experience as a child and his desire to become a man. He is trying to prove himself to Kileghen, Medoto, his tribe, and to himself. Although his test of manhood is a public ritual of the Masai tribe, he is trying, like Jerry, to prove his courage, his ability to act and to leave his childhood with a victory over fear and physical danger. " 'I shall fail... I shall fail before Medoto and through his eyes she will see my failure. I must fail... because now I see that I am trembling' " (Markham). In this quote, he is not trembling because of his fear of the lion but because he feared failure." For both boys the greatest obstacle is fear. Temas dreads facing Medoto, Kileghen, and his tribe should he fail his test of manhood. He fears this more than he fears the lion, or any injury the lion could inflict upon him. Of course, the lion is also an obstacle, as is his fear that Medoto might tell Kileghen that he is a coward. Temas fears that Medoto could be right, that he might be a coward. Jerry fears the unknown of the cave and his ability to hold his breath, his biggest obstacles are his physical and mental limitations. He has to work very hard to get himself to the point where he can hold his breath long enough to get through the tunnel alive. He also has to trust in himself enough to believe he can accomplish his goal of swimming through the underground tunnel. The Masai ritual is testing him for courage and the ability to keep his head during intense pressure and danger. Temas feels that he must succeed at killing the lion in order to have any respect, not only from other people, but respect for himself. "...and then they would judge his courage and his skill. Good or bad, that judgment would, like a brand mark, cling to him all his life." (Marlkham). Jerry, on the other hand, tests himself - he was not raised knowing that he would someday have to go though his 'rite of passage'. Consequently, he wasn't as prepared as Temas was for his test. A somewhat minor obstacle for both characters was the possibility of death. With Temas, it was the lion and for Jerry, the very real possibility of drowning. And although these consequences were realized by the characters, Jerry and Temas both cared enough about succeeding. to risk their lives. In Through the Tunnel, Jerry tests himself for bravery, and to see if he can act independently of his mother. His mother keeps him under her wing, and he feels that he has to match up to the older boys he sees swimming through the underwater tunnel. He tests his physical and mental strengths. He has to practice holding his breath everyday, and he has to keep his head straight while he is underwater. If he were to panic while underwater, there is a good possibility that he could have drowned. Instead, he keeps a level mind the whole time, he knew his limits. " He was at the end of what he could do. He looked up at the crack as if it were filled with air and not water... he must go into the blackness ahead or he would drown." Temas is being tested for skill and courage, as was shown in the quote mentioned earlier. His tribal ritual was meant to make sure he was worthy to be a Masai warrior. Jerry and Temus's situations were very different, a young boy vacationing with his mother and a Masai youth about to face a lion. Even so, they had many of the same motivations, obstacles, and hardships that would test their courage.By Ashraf F.