Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.Filemaker, a well known database program, is now owned by Apple.
We know what is database, it is a collection records. When a database is created from the existing database it is known as derived database.
Database architecture
database is the collection of information that store in known procedure
Charlie Bachman
Database is the collection of data which are interrelated with each other. Data in database is stored in form of table these tables are known as database tables.
We know that schema in the database is refer to the basic design of that database and is stored in an object . That object is known as schema object of database.
Database properties are also known as database attributes or characteristics. These properties describe the features and characteristics of the database, such as data types, constraints, relationships, and indexing among others. They are essential for defining the structure and behavior of a database system.
An organised body or related information which can be accessed by an user in the web,is known as web database.
a database
A relationship.