The main character in Disney's "The Aristocats" is Duchess, a white Persian cat who is the mother of three kittens named Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse. The story follows their journey to return home after being kidnapped by a butler who wants to inherit their owner's fortune.
The Aristocats
The character from The Aristocats that is a mouse is named Roquefort. He is a friend of Duchess and her kittens in the movie.
The Disney MOVIE, the Aristocats, has a cat named Duchess.
The duration of The Aristocats is 1.3 hours.
The Aristocats was created on 1970-12-11.
The Aristocats was released December 11, 1970.
Toulouse is the oldest kitten in "The Aristocats".
The villain in the movie Aristocats is Edgar the wicked butler.
christopher and pinoochio are boys and duchess the cat is a female
Christopher Robin and Pinocchio are both boys. Duchess is female.
A minor character who helps a main character is almost like the companion of the main character or had something to do with helping the main character in a period of time....That is what a minor character who helps the main character is
Do an image search for "Aristocats Slick Cat", there aren't a lot of results but there are a few.