Helen Keller attended Radcliffe College, which is now part of Harvard University. Her main teacher at Radcliffe was the renowned professor and mentor, Anne Sullivan. Sullivan played a significant role in helping Keller navigate her coursework and successfully complete her education despite her disabilities.
In the fall of 1900 Helen Keller entered Radcliffe collage.
Helen Keler collage there smartie
Radcliffe College
Helen Keller graduated from Radcliffe collage in 1904
Radcliffe Colledge
no Helen Keller did not she we-net to collage and stayed lonely
She was the first blind and deaf women who completed collage.
Helen Keller could afford collage, because she was so smart for a person who was blind and deaf.
She acomplished to not be blind or beaph and to go to collage
Anne Sullivan was a teacher to Helen Keller. Anne was the one who taught Helen to communicate with the outside world.