He loved a girl named Zelda Sayre, who only would accept him after he had become rich. Some paralells can be drawn to the characters of Jay Gatzby and Daisy Buchannan in his book "The Great Gatzby."
The main love interest in Scott Pilgrim is Ramona Flowers. The story of Scott Pilgrim is his battle against Ramona's evil ex-boyfriends. The other love interest that Scott had were Knives Chau, the 17 year old girl he rebound dated after his break up with Envy and then dumped for Ramona. Scott also dated Kim Pine in high school.
i dont know ask her or get a life :P
A woman who has just lost a husband and has just had a child looking for a love interest in her life. The love interest in the movie is a gay sculptor which gives the film a unique aspect to it
Yes because when scott realize that jean was gone from his life then he fell inn love with emma frost
Luke does not look well on the show. Is he not well in real life?
A love interest is a person who is the object of someone's romantic or affectionate feelings in a story or in real life. They are often portrayed as a potential romantic partner for the main character in movies, books, or TV shows.
Ich liebe Scott
Scott swire is a low life scum bag. He has no marketable skills other than ripping off his friends. Bahahahahaha! This is so ridiculously TRUE!! Love it.
A love interest in a movie is a person that someone is attracted to and grows to love. A character in a movie will try to get the love interest to feel the same way towards them.
Janey Scott Lewin has written: 'A time to love' 'Melody of love'
Mark Antony's love interest is Cleopatra not octavia