Ishmael is a figure in The Bible and the Quran, known as the son of Abram (later Abraham) and Hagar. In Islamic tradition, he is considered a prophet and a significant figure in the ancestry of Muhammad. Ishmael's story is often associated with the founding of the Arabic people.
islam is the true religion say the shahada, there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the slave and messenger of Allah. we believe in jesus(isa), moses(moosa), abraham(ibrahim), ismael(ishmal), isaac(ishaq), lot(lut), job(ayyub) actually we believe in all the prophets 124,000 prophets Allah (swt) is worthy of worship and muhammad, jesus all prophet's are prophet's of Allah.
AbrahamAnswerAbraham had one son (Isaac) with his first wife Sarah and another with her servant Hagar (sons name was Ishmal) after Sarah died he married again (her name was Keturah) and had six sons with her. So Abraham had 8 sons in all.Jacob had 12 sons between two wives and two concubines. The sons of Jacob are the 12 tribes of Israel, the name that God gave Jacob.
The book combines pretty much EVERY single classic book into one universe. Let's start with the League members. In Vol. 1-2 Alan Quartermain: King Solomon's Mines Mina Murry: Dracula Captain Nemo: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Hawley Griffin: The Invisible Man Other characters such as their employers, Capton Bond is actually great grandfather of James Bond and their new employer is Mycroft Homles, Sherlock Holmes' brother. Their enemies are Professor James Moriarty Sherlock Holmes' arch enemy and Fu Manchu and in Vol. 2 they are the Martians from War of the Worlds. But many other characters make appearances or references in the books: John Carter of the series with the same name, Gullivar Jones of the series with the same name. William Samson Sir. father of the Wolf of Kabul is their coachmen. Ishmal of Moby Dick is Nemo's first mate. They meet Dr. Moreau from the Island of Dr. Moreau along with his race of human animal hybrids who actually turn out to be characters from children's books such as Mr. Toad. That's the ones from Vol. 1 and 2, and it would take forever to mention every single character reference for the whole book.