Originally, The Shadows were backing band for British singer Cliff Richard. They provided musical accompaniment to his recordings and live performances in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Cliff Richard
The Crickets
The Contras was the counterrevolutionary group in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed.
The Shadows formed and began performing in Cheshunt England in 1958
The Wild Angels (A FACT)
yes, it's called Out Of the Shadows
The members of the raggae group Irations are all originally from Hawaii. They started their group in Isla Vista, a place in Santa Barbara, California,
The Sherman Group is headquartered in Minneapolis. Ken Sherman is noted for forming the group in 1987, who originally began as a commercial real estate agent.
The group was originally made up of 3 brothers.
The Shadows. also, his real name is Harry Webb.