Morality Play!
Janzen! Jaddy
A play called Everyman.
Everyman should take along the book of his deeds on his journey, as it will be a record of all his actions and will determine his judgment in the afterlife according to the medieval morality play "Everyman."
The most common was the morality play, which was generally a story taken directly from the Bible or an "Everyman" allegory.
"Everyman" is not a novel, but rather a morality play written as a dramatic interpretation of the late medieval period. It typically consists of around 900 lines or less, rather than being organized into distinct pages.
In the medieval morality play "Everyman," the account book symbolizes the record of Everyman's deeds and actions throughout his life. It serves as a metaphor for the final judgment that Everyman will face upon his death, where his good and bad deeds will be weighed to determine his fate in the afterlife. The account book represents the idea that one must be accountable for their actions and strive to lead a righteous life.
everyman a morality play why does god send a messanger to every man
critically examine everyman as a moral allegory.