Whose signature does the one rupee note bear?Rupee one notes bearing the signature of Secretary, Ministry of Finance while other denominations bearing the signature of the Governor of Reserve Bank of India are Bank Notes
on a hundred rupee note you can find the governor's signature, the year when the note has been printed, the image of Gandhi,the RBI paper and 'hundred rupee' is written in fifteen languages on the back side and in two languages on the front, English and Hindi
As usual the RBI Governor. Only One rupee note is an exception to this. The Finance Secretary of India signs on the Rupee note. ONE RUPEE NOTE WAS SINGED BY FINANCE SECRETARY
finance secretary of the government of india
it is written : "i promise to pay the bearer a sum of one hundred rupees" and bears governors signature on it.
The very first issue of banknotes produced by the RBI in 1937 included the 10 Rupee note. Notes with the signature 'J.B. Taylor date from 1937-1942' notes with the same design from 1943 onwards have the signature 'C.D. Deshmukh'. The 1943 issue 10 rupee note has the same signature, but a different design. Prior to 1937, 10 Rupee notes were issued by the 'Government of India'.
A Two rupees note bears a signature of Governor
No the secretary minister of Finance is the signatory. The one rupee not is the actual legal tender of the country.
BoBo165 is the king
Rbi governer
one rupee