Margot shoots Francis because in the instant where he loses his fear and charges and the bull, no longer being cowardly (like with the lion), he becomes a man and is happy, she is afraid for herself then because if he is happy and realises he does not need her, he can leave her and she does not want to be alone...
Hemingway biographer, Carlos Baker, claims that Macomber loses his fear as the buffalo charges, and the loss of fear ushers Macomber into manhood, which Margot instantly kills.
In the story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" by Ernest Hemingway, it is suggested that Francis's wife, Margaret, shot him accidentally while aiming at a charging buffalo. Some literary critics interpret this act as a reflection of Margaret's frustration with Francis's newfound courage and independence, while others see it as a tragic accident resulting from the chaotic events of the hunting expedition.
Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were shot in Bosnia.
They were shot on June 28, 1914.
Francis wife is named Piama.
Francis wife is named Piama.
Well, the person's who's assasination "techinically" started the war was Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria. He was the heir to the Austrian throne and him and his wife were shot by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian. Well, the person's who's assasination "techinically" started the war was Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria. He was the heir to the Austrian throne and him and his wife were shot by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian. Well, the person's who's assasination "techinically" started the war was Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria. He was the heir to the Austrian throne and him and his wife were shot by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian.
Francis Ouimet's wife's name was Stella M. Sullivan
Francis Marion had one wife named Mary Videau. They were married in 1786.
Susan Reyes
Sir Francis Drake's second wife was Elizabeth Sydenham.
Gavrilo Principe
Show down the Soviet Union??? Or shot down IN the Soviet Union? Are you asking about Gary Francis Powers?
Susan Reyes