as they r the basis of survival and ensure a life with dignity and equal opportunities rather than a discriminatory one
Human rights are important to everyone because they ensure that all individuals are treated with dignity, equality, and respect. They protect individuals from discrimination, abuse, and oppression, and provide a foundation for a fair and just society. Upholding human rights leads to a more peaceful and harmonious world where everyone can live freely and pursue their potential.
yes everyone has human rights
They have the same rights as everyone in the decleration of human rights.
Everyone has the same human rights, these are defined by the U.N not individual countries
Everyone is born free and equal Everyone has the right to work Everyone has the right to be treated equally in the eyes of the law Everyone has the right to marry < under the UN Declaration of Human Rights
it is asked by god in the bible as it promotes community cohesion and providing and following the laws of human rights would support this therefore christians give alot of importance towards the issue of human rights. faiza x
That is the universal declaration of human rights.
Everyone has the right to freedom of religion Everyone has the right to freedom of expression everyone has the right to a home everyone has the right to a shelter or place to stay everyone has the right to a name and nationality
ItÕs Important for a country to have human rights for various reasons. This ensures that all the citizens are treated in the best human way possible. Human rights will protect the citizens of the country.
no; the civil rights movement was important because it provided equality
no; the Civil Rights Movement was important because it provided equality
Jesus is important to everyone, the entire human race.
The document that states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948.