Anne Frank said this because she believed that memories have eternal value and can never be taken away, whereas dresses are material possessions that can be lost or destroyed. She valued the experiences and emotions associated with memories more than physical objects.
Pim is another name that they called Anne's father.....Otto is his real name
I think you mean annex, in which case i think you mean Anne Frank
If you mean Anne's actual home on Merwedeplein, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Anne and Margot lived there, and until January of 1942, Anne maternal grandmother also lived with them until she passed away.
It was the diary of an teenager named Anne Frank
no she was kinda mean she was nice to people who she like and known
She was thirteen years old. She was a student and would have been starting the Dutch equivalent of the 7th Grade.Also she was a posthumously published writer if that helps you any.
Anne Frank did not have a brother. She had one older sister named Margot, who also perished in the Holocaust.
If you mean "succeed" as in "survive her confinement" her diary was her salvation.
In Anne Frank's diary, a tap typically referred to a serving or portion of food. Multiple taps would be needed to make a meal.
Otto Frank is the only known relative of Anne Frank who was still alive in 2010. Otto was Anne's father and the one who published her diary after her death.
Anne frank was outgoing but sometimes she was a little mean to her mom. she was lovely she was a writer because wrote a lot of things. she loved being the center of attention and was very creative!