In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout's Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that he must stop teaching Scout to read. Aunt Alexandra believes that teaching Scout to read at an early age may lead to her being too independent and not conforming to society's expectations for a young girl.
1) stop teaching scout to read 2) stop teaching scout to wriite
Her Husband corrupted her to become an evil slave owner.
It depends if you stop thinking about it and ignoring it
Mrs. Caroline asked Scout to stop reading with Atticus. She believed that Scout had already learned to read at home and should focus on other subjects in school.
She stopped teaching after she married Almanzo Wilder
ANSWER:Tell him that he needs to talk to his ex mistress and tell her to stop, or else tell your husband that you will not put up with his ex mistress. Either he made her stop, or tell him that he needs to move out, period.
Women by nature are jealous of the other woman so they have a tendency to blame the mistress in the affair and even when the mistress harasses the wife, but it is the husband in this case that should stop the harassment because he started it all. Get tough with the husband and ignore the mistress; the ball is in his court.
Miss Caroline told Scout to stop reading at home because she believed that Scout was already too advanced compared to the rest of her classmates. Miss Caroline thought it would be better for Scout to start learning at the same pace as the other students.
beacuse a man just wants to have lots of sex
Ms. Caroline is Scout's teacher in her first year of school. She demands for Atticus to stop teaching Scout how to read and write. Jem says she is introducing a new "Dewey Decomal System" to the school.
Anne Sullivan stopped teaching Helen Keller in 1936 when Keller graduated from Radcliffe College. Sullivan remained with Keller as a companion and friend until her death in 1936.