Because they contained controversial political views
Because they could have gotten him in trouble with the government
Swift published "A Modest Proposal" and "Gulliver's Travels" anonymously to protect himself from potential backlash and criticism for the controversial and satirical content in these works. Publishing anonymously allowed Swift to distance himself from the radical ideas presented in the texts, while still critiquing societal issues and political structures of the time.
Because they could have gotten him in trouble with the government
Women writers used to publish their works anonymously due to societal norms that viewed literary pursuits as unfeminine. By concealing their identities, they hoped to be taken more seriously and avoid criticism based on their gender. Publishing anonymously also allowed them to bypass social constraints and have their work judged on its own merits.
Because it changed the way many colonists viewed there king.
This book was called Erewhon. The book was so popular in the UK that many people were calling out for the author to reveal himself. Eventually Samuel Butler gave in and proved to everyone that he is the author of Erewhon.
Pen names are used by individual authors to publish their works anonymously or under a different identity. You cannot buy a pen name like "Souffle" as it is a creative alias chosen by an author for their personal use and branding.
I havea copy that was given as a gift in 1935 as per the handwriting iside the front cover. It has o illustrtions. -K
No, I do not publish adult joke books.
Go to the page you want to publish and click the PUBLISH Button.
The past tense of "publish" is "published."
The abstract noun of publish is publication.
He also wanted peace with england
A woman can publish her written works (manuscript) to any publisher specializing on that particular subject or she can self publish.