Perfection is often seen as important because it typically represents the highest level of achievement or quality. It can also bring a sense of satisfaction and pride in one's work. However, it's important to recognize that striving for perfection can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations and hinder progress.
in order to obtain the perfection of wisdom
Dr. Green is telling Jane that what we say to ourselves is important and that they will work on that. He says it demands perfection, but even though that is the goal, he has not met anyone lately who has achieved that perfection.
the perfection of giving (dana paramita)the perfection of morality (shila-paramita)the perfection of patience (kshanti-paramita)the perfection of energy (virya-paramita)the perfection of meditation (dhyana-paramita)the perfection of wisdom (prajna-paramira)
perfection perfection
la perfection
Moral perfection is outlined in the writing contained in his Autobiography, in which Franklin seeks to attain his own moral perfection by mastering the thirteen virtues he deemed most prudent and important. These virtues include temperance, industry, and chastity. More information on the thirteen virtues and achieving Franklin's moral perfection can be found in the related links.
The Path of Perfection was created in 2002.
Perfection R.I.P. was created in 2006.
The ISBN of The Idea of Perfection is 0330392611.
The Idea of Perfection was created in 1999.
Close to Perfection was created in 1985.