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At first, she saw it as an adventure, a change from everyday life.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 10mo ago

Anne Frank would be excited about going into hiding because it meant escaping the persecution and danger faced by Jewish people in Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II. It also offered the possibility of survival and a chance to be with her family during a very difficult time.

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Q: Why would Anne Frank be excited about going into hiding?
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How did Anne Frank get food when in hiding?

Anne Frank's dad's workers miep and this other man would bring them food when they were in hiding.

How would the people from the holocaust get to save places?

As an example= Otto Frank, Eaded Frank, Marggot Frank, Anne Frank. Otto Frank ask his very good friends if they could find a hiding place for him and his family. People were willing to do that for their friends. So they went into hiding for 2 years.

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Living in hiding would be incredibly difficult and stressful, filled with fear and anxiety about being discovered. The constant confinement, uncertainty, and isolation would take a heavy toll on mental and emotional well-being. It would be a challenging and unsettling experience for anyone being in hiding like the Frank family.

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Otto Frank own the warehouse they hid in until Amsterdam was taken over. He knew of the hiding place way before the war.

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Anne Frank's parents, Otto and Edith, told people they were going to Switzerland to keep their plans of going into hiding a secret. By pretending to leave the country, they hoped to avoid suspicion and make their escape to the secret annex where they would hide during the Holocaust.

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If someone in hiding, like Anne Frank, got sick and needed medical care, it would have posed a significant risk to their safety. Seeking medical attention outside could have exposed their secret hiding place to authorities or others who would betray them. They would have likely had to rely on home remedies or clandestine medical help from trusted individuals within the hiding place.

In French how would you say I am going to be excited?

Je vais être heureux

Why did Anne Framk go into hiding?

Anne Frank went into hiding during World War II to avoid persecution by the Nazis who were targeting Jewish people. By going into hiding, she and her family hoped to evade capture and deportation to concentration camps.

What was the predictions of Anne Frank?

Anne Frank did not make any specific predictions. She wrote in her diary about her experiences hiding from the Nazis during World War II and her hopes for the future. Tragically, Anne Frank died in a concentration camp before the end of the war.

What threatened anne frank and her family during the hiding?

Discovery. If they were discovered, they would immediately be sent to a concentration camp.

What did Anne Frank fear the most while in hiding?

Anne Frank feared the Nazis discovering their hiding place the most while in hiding. She was also scared of being betrayed by someone and worried about the safety of her family and the people she was hiding with.

Why would a boy get excited that his neighbor is going to his youth group?

Maybe because he can see her more.