It can be a bad starter, but it can be a corroded battery cable. If you know the battery and cables are good, remove the starter and have it tested at most auto parts stores.It can be a bad starter, but it can be a corroded battery cable. If you know the battery and cables are good, remove the starter and have it tested at most auto parts stores.
follow the positive battery cable down to the starter solinoid which is mounted to the starter motor, the starter motor should be on the same side as the battery is. good luck
The starter, +, and a good ground, -.
if you have good battery and cable connections, the starter motor or starter relay is bad
pretty straightforward, disconnect negative battery cable, remove and label wiring from starter, remove bolts from that connect starter to the transmission housing. Replace with new starter, attach mounting bolts, reconnect wiring, and negative battery cable, and ur good to go.
when your battery is good and starter doesn't turn over engine. try with booster cables directly from battery to starter to eleminate bad ground or positive wire connections.positive cable to positive connection on starter and ground cable to ground on starter and with jumper wire from positive connection on starter touch it to connector on starter from ignition switch . if your starter doesn't turn over , than you have a non working starter.
Engine seized? Loose or corroded battery cable? Bad starter solenoid? Bad starter? Bad or misadjusted neutral safety switch?
Disconnect and remove existing cables Replace with new cable using the routing used by original cables + from battery to starter solenoid - From battery to good engine ground
The starter on the northstar engines are located in the "V" of the block under the fuel injection ports. This starter can be removed by blocking the fuel injection up about three and one half inched above the motor allowing you to remove the battery cable and the two bolts from the starter.Hint: before attempting to remove the starter, make sure the battery cable is clean and making good contact. The starter cable is stacked on top of another cable.
Check the starter and the cable from the starter to the starter relay. Also, the relay itself. Could be any of these.
If the starter motor is spinning but not engaging it won't help to hit it with a hammer. The "starter drive" portion of the starter is shot. If all you get is a click or no noise at all, you might get lucky by hitting it, assuming the battery and all connections are good. This technique may work once or twice if the starter is at fault. The starter is located under the vehicle. You can follow the path of the positive battery cable from the battery to locate the starter. The positive battery cable will pass thru the starter solenoid on the inner fender then continue down to the starter.
you can try to short the starter motor . take a screw driver and bridge ffrom battery cable on starter to ignition wire on starter. if starter is good, engine will crank. if starter is bad , solenoid will click if no clicking, solenoid is bad