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No, you have to be under you parents. Not without your parents, because your considered a minor.

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Q: Can you get auto insurance when under age 18?
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What is the minimum age required to obtain a car insurance policy in your name in the state of Mississippi?

18 is the age at which you can enter into a legal contract. Before the age of 18 you can still purchase auto insurance but your gaurdian or a parent will have to countersign the insurance application.

At what age should you add an 18 yr old to auto insurance policy?

Whatever age you are at when the 18 year old gets their permit to start driving!

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

Can a minor in the state of Georgia have their own auto insurance policies or do they have to be placed on their parents' insurance?

Yes, you can but its best to be under you parents policy...Since the price will be "Very High" since your under 18.

If you have your own car insurance policy can your parents be sued if you live in their home and you are involved in auto accident?

If you are under 18, yes.

If an insured driver under the age of 18 is involved in an accident can they claim insurance?

Of course, age doesn't matter. If you have a valid license and have a current insurance policy you can claim the accident.

Can a 17 year old purchase his own auto insurance in NJ?

Most insurance companies would not allow this to happen because firstly an insurance application and policy together make up a legally binding contract. A person under 18 years of age are not able to be party to a legally binding contract.

You are 18 you were involved in an auto accident you have rental on your ploicy can you drive a rental car?

The first thing you should do, is check with your insurance company to see if they have a partnership with any car rental companies, that will allow a renter 18 years of age. The normal minimum age to rent a car is 21-25, but your insurance company may have contracted a partnership with a certain car rental company, that would allow you a rental car under age 21.

How old do you have to be to have your own auto insurance policy in Connecticut?


What are the legal requirements for Georgia auto insurance?

You have to be 18. That's it.

Does a newly licenced driver under the age of 18 have to be listed as a driver with the insurance company or are they covered automaticly under the parents' policy?

They must be listed.

If you do not have insurance and you get into an accident and you don't have any money and are under the age of 18 who will get the bill?

The parents or the legal guardian of the minor person.