The address of the Virginia Museum Of Natural History-Uva is: 104 Emmet St N, Charlottesville, VA 22903
The address for UVA Hospital is 1215 Lee Street in Charlottesvlle, Virginia, the zip code is 22908. 1215 Lee Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908, is the address for the University of Virginia (UVA) Medical Center/Hospital.
The airport code for Garner Field is UVA.
Yes, the University of Virginia is located in Virginia :D *dumby*. More specipically Charlottesville, Virginia.
Michael Uva goes by Mike G. Uva.
What is UVA?????
"Una uva" in Spanish means "a grape" in English.
UVA acts primarly as the oxidizer
Uva Province was created in 1886.
The population of Uva Province is 1,177,358.
Uva Unicorns was created in 2004.
Vasco Uva's birth name is Vasco Nunes Barata de Sousa Uva.