740 miles
The driving distance from Houston, Texas to Kansas City, Missouri is 743 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 11 hours and 16 minutes.
It is 744 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 745.41 miles accordiing too MapQuest.
houston texas
Missouri City, Texas is a suburb of metropolitan Houston, about 15 miles SW of the city center and adjacent to Southwest Houston.
Kansas City
* Kansas City, Kansas * Kansas City, Missouri * Kingfisher, Oklahoma * Killeen, Texas * Kona, Hawaii
Consider Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Or Kansas City, Kansas. Or Missouri City, Missouri. Or Iowa City, Iowa. Or Texas City, Texas. Or Florida City, Florida. Or Arkansas City, Arkansas.
I think the best way to go to Houston Texas from Kansas City is either a train or a plane because by car it will take a while.  You're welcome!
· Kansas City, Missouri · Killeen, Texas · Kolkata, India (formerly Calcutta)
Kansas City , go to google & theres a park in Kansas city that sits right by the River