5 years In Virgina, 7 years.
A felony charge/conviction stays on your criminal record forever. Petition the court to have your record "expunged" and it should be accompanied by good reason(s) that it should be granted. After consideration, it may or may not be granted.
This can vary depending on what state you are in. It is best to contact your department of motor vehicles to determine how long your conviction will stay on your record.
Felonies are forever... Expunging a record is very difficult and very costly.
Felonies NEVER leave your record in any state.
A DUI gives you two records; one criminal and one on your driver's license. Your criminal record is permanent, it will stay there forever unless you have a judge remove it from your record (expunge it). It varies from state-to-state how long the record will stay on your driving history.
In the state of Wisconsin, a conviction for a speeding ticket is eligible to be removed from a person's driving record five years after the date of the conviction. Certain alcohol related convictions remain on a person's record for 55 years in Wisconsin.
A DUI conviction or any felony conviction becomes a permanent part of the convicted person's criminal record.
In the state of California, a charge and conviction of reckless driving will stay on your record for 7 years. This will begin on the date the violation was given.
It is important to follow the law and not break any laws. A conviction will stay on a persons record for their entire life.
Unfortunately, for the rest of your life--unless you are granted a pardon by the governor or the felony is expungable.
1 year