The cosigner's credit isn't affected one ioto unless the person who was responsible for the loan payments defaulted, then and if the cosigner also defaulted. In other words, just being a cosigner does not affect ones credit ratings.
To refinance a you need to first choose the bank that you want to refinance the loan with. Various banks have different rates that will affect your monthly payments. The most that you will have to do is fill out a few forms and the bank will do the rest.
A life estate does not have an affect on someone's disability. It may certainly affect their ability to collect disability payments.
I am a Loan officer in California-the laws are different in every state & every lender...Typically speaking though, it depends on how long ago you BK was discharged. It also depends on how far behind are you on the house payments. Some lenders will refinance one day after the BK being discharged, while other lenders are 7 years! As far as late payments...they will affect your intrest rate. If you have one 30 day late, or one 60 day late but are now current in your should be able to refi assuming you have equity in the property. I would be more than willing to look at you situation for you if you like. email me at kinjalvs at yahoo .com Sara
When you fail to make payments, they go after the co-signer. It can affect his credit. If he makes the payments he can take the car. You wouldn't want to make payments for someone else's car.
There are many different factors to be taken into consideration which could affect your social security payments. Although you will still be entitled to payments other things such as the price of rent may affect the amount you are paid. For more detailed information go to
Yes, because it affects your debt to asset ratio.
No. Your payments are locked in for the complete term of the lease. However, in case the tax rates increase, then on that way it will affect your payments.
It will not affect your financial status. However, if you are dependent on their being on time with their share of the rent payments, chances are good that you will be stiffed at some point. If you are married, the bad rating will affect your ability to borrow money as well as the rates you are offered.
no, because they're lazy.
If you are trying to refinance your mortgage... it will affect the interest rate. (it will be higher) It will haunt you for at least 12 - 24 months.
Who is on the title to the property? and who is the loan name under?
Social Security payments do not affect your unemployment benefits in Maryland. See the Related Link below, page 8 for more details.