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doesnt matter You would register and provide insurance in the State you live.

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Q: If you live and have a drivers license in one state but work in another in which state do you register your car and get insurance?
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Yes, you will need a drivers license to register a car in the state of Texas. Other items needed are proof of insurance and a certificate of inspection.

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Can you register a car in one state and have insurance and Drivers License in another state?

This is a gray area, but I would recommend getting them all in one state and not to take any chances..

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No, you must have a valid drivers license to register your car.

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Do you need a drivers license to register a motorcycle?

No you do not

Where can you purchase insurance without a drivers license?

If you have no drivers license then you have no business driving a vehicle, therfore you do not need insurance.

Can you get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended?

You can't get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended.

Do you have to have insurance if you have a drivers license?

No if you have a license no, but if you have a vehicle you have ot have a license.