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Renters insurance provides coverage for your belongings while you are renting a place to live. This type of insurance only covers belongings at your certain residence and does not cover the rental property itself.

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Q: What can a renters insurance quote tell you?
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How can I get great renters insurance?

You can get great renters insurance at the following Get a Quote or good luck

Will your homeowners insurance cover your dwelling if you have a renter?

Yes, but only for the dwelling, not for your renter's belongings. be sure to notify your insurance company that you have renters, your rate will go down because they're not insuring your belongings...and be sure to tell your renters about renters insurance.

Does renters insurance cover a guests broken belongings?

it will tell in the policy

Do renters need homeowners insurance?

NO, But they can get Renters or Tenants insurance

Is guardian life a direct recognition company?

Yes, your insurance may go down. Make sure to iofnrm the renters they might want to consider renters insurance as your policy will only cover the dwelling but not the contents inside (the renters property). It's free to get a quote, and generally it's inexpensive.

In Florida what is the average price for renters insurance?

The cost for renters insurance in Florida starts at as little as $10 per month, but depends on the amount of coverage, the type of property you are renting and other factors. You can check with companies like for a quote.

Where can I find cheap rental insurance?

Most major insurance companies offer renters insurance and are in competition with each other. You could start by inquiring with your auto insurer or ask for a quote from another.

What is the best renters insurance for a college student?

There are many companies that offer renters insurance. The best place to purchase renters insurance will depend on your location and individual situation. Some of the top rated renters insurance companies are Travelers Insurance, State Farm, Liberty Mutual, and Farmers Insurance.

How much does the average renters insurance cost in PA?

In the average rates for renters insurance, auto insurance, and home insurance, Pennsylvania is usually lower! In 2007, the average rate for PA renters insurance was only $144!

What is Broad Form insurance for renters?

Multi Peril Renters Insurance policy...Coverage for your stuff.

Can you get any free quotes from Direct Line home insurance?

To to Direct Line Home Insurance's website and click on "Get a Quote". You will be taken step by step through a series of questions that will allow them to determine the the best type of insurance for your home. Live in an apartment? You can get a free quote for renters insurance too.

What are names of some cheap renters insurance out there?

Finding cheap insurance is simple - all you have to do is fill out one insurance quote request form and they'll give you a list of multiple insurance. Visit the website at