It means that you may make the indicated turn on a permissive basis, after yielding to conflicting vehicles and pedestrians.
This is usually the same as turning on the circular green, but the flashing yellow arrow can be displayed at times when the straight ahead movement can not be given a green light.
The purpose is to eliminate a dangerous condition called yellow trap. It occurs when the circular green is used to allow permissive turns, and one circular green ends sooner than the oncoming circular green. The left turning driver receiving the earlier yellow light tries to turn across traffic that still has a green light, causing an accident. The flashing yellow arrow can keep flashing until the oncoming green gets a yellow, allowing the driver to turn safely.
A yellow arrow traffic light means that you should yield in the direction you are going. These are often in place when you are turning left.
It means stop first then can proceed if clear
A yellow arrow traffic light means that you should yield in the direction you are going. These are often in place when you are turning left.
A solid yellow arrow at a traffic light means that the signal is about to change from a green arrow to a red arrow and you should prepare to stop. It usually indicates that you should clear the intersection if you are already in it, but not make any new turns.
Yield. It usually means the cross-traffic has a blinking red light (stop sign). slow down because someone may pull out
When a traffic light blinks red it means 'yield,' so proceed as if it were a four way stop sign. I've never heard of one blinking only yellow.
If the green arrow shows for the direction you want to turn then you obey the green arrow, the red light is for all other traffic. The green arrow basically overrules the red light for the direction of the arrow.
In the manual for my car it says a blinking, yellow check engine light means the catalytic converter is malfunctioning.
General rules of the road state that you must clear the intersection by the time the red light illuminates; if there was traffic preventing you from clearing the intersection before you entered it on a yellow light then you should not have entered the intersection because of impediments to traffic.
Normally, the green arrow would indicate that the opposing traffic has a red light and as such the green arrow traffic has right of way.However, due to mechanical or planning errors it is possible that the opposing traffic will also have a green light. If this happens, the opposing traffic (by virtue of going straight) has right of way. If this opposing traffic does not appear to be stopping, green arrow traffic should assume that opposing traffic has a green arrow and right of way. In the event of a collision when both have green, green arrow traffic (turning left) will be found at fault except in no-fault states where this will be considered a no-fault accident.
Yellow light
means nothing Wrong! It means caution. Something requires extra attention. At an intersection, a flashing circular yellow means to take extra caution, and watch for traffic on the cross road (which has a flashing red light). A flashing red light is the same as a stop sign. A flashing yellow arrow means you ma turn in the direction of the arrow, but you must yield to conflicting traffic. If the flashing yellow light is not at an intersection, it either calls attention to a road hazard on an accompanying sign, or indicates that a special regulation indicated on the sign is in effect (School speed limit 20 when flashing).