one London is 0 miles from England as it is in England and the English capital city.
The air distance from London, England, to Guatemala City, Guatemala, is 5,456 miles. That equals 8,779 kilometers or 4,740 nautical miles.
The air distance from London, England, to Kuwait City, Kuwait, is 2,891 miles. That equals 4,652 kilometers or 2,512 nautical miles.
230 miles from Liverpool City Centre to Canary Wharf
The Eastern United Stated to England is a shorter distance at 3,466 miles from New York City to London. Where as from Brazil to England is 5,444 miles from Brazilia to London.
3470 miles (5585 km) (3016 nautical miles)
The air distance from London, England, to Atlanta, Georgia, is 4,217 miles. That equals 6,787 kilometers. That equals 3,664 nautical miles.
The driving distance from London Heathrow Airport to London City Airport is 37 miles.
The air distance from London, England, to Mexico City, Mexico, is 5,557 miles. That equals 8,943 kilometers. That equals 4,829 nautical miles.
The distance between London and Guatemala City is 5,448 miles.
The distance between London and Reading is 38 miles
It takes about thirteen hours to fly from Portland Oregon to London England