It depends on your route but the approximate driving distance is 806 km or 501 miles.
The shortest route is I-75 N.
The driving distance between Kamloops and Surrey is approximately 350 kilometers or 217 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This journey typically takes around 4 to 5 hours to complete by car.
The shortest is I-80 East.
Try downloading Google Earth. It will give you not only the shortest route, but also calculate the mileage and estimated journey time. See related link.
The distance between Kamloops, BC and Palm Springs, CA is approximately 1,800 kilometers or 1,120 miles. This distance can vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
I-55 S
Is it over 2,598 miles
The route with the shortest driving time is about 115 miles.
The route with the shortest driving time is about 685 miles.
The route with the shortest driving time is about 1,510 miles.
The route with the shortest driving time is about 430 miles.