805 miles divided by 7 hours is 115 miles per hour.
115/19 = 6.053 gallons
A gallon is a unit of capacity. An ounce is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
115 US gallons is about 435.32 liters.
If you traveled at a constant rate of 75 miles per hour for 115 miles, it would take you 1.533 hours or 1 hour and 32 minutes. 1.533 hours is equal to 5520 seconds.
115 km is 71.46 miles.
115 miles = about 185.1 km
115 miles = 607,200 feet
if we have to go 115 miles,at speed 60 miles/h,we cross the 60 miles per an hour,so to know how long does it take to cross 115 miles,just 115 /60=1.91 ... so it is needed 1hour and 54 minutes to cross 115 miles.
115 kilometers is 71.46 miles.
It is about 5/8 times 115 = 71.875 miles