610.75miles 982.90 km
About 2,305 miles or 3709km from Marmaris, Turkey to Calais, France by road.
the road distance between Calais and Rome is 1678 km. The driving time is nearly 15 hours.
the road distance between Calais and Rome is 1678 km. The driving time is nearly 15 hours.
325 miles / 523km by road.
445 miles or 716km
The road distance between Calais, France, and Malaga, Spain, is approximately 1,370 miles (2,200 kilometers) via the most common driving route. The actual distance may vary depending on the specific route taken.
The road distance between Calais and Orléans is 424 km (264 miles). The driving time is about 4:15.
It is 31 Miles from Calais to Dunkirk
It is 422 Miles from Lorient to Calais
It is 145 Miles from Calais to Chartres
It is 326 Miles from Calais to Tours