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Yes, If you complete the proper request forms

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Q: Will Indiana DMV tell me who owns a vehicle if I provide the title number?
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what is the title number?

what is the title number of this vehicle?

Can you return a used car in the state of Indiana if you decide you do not want it?

There is no return law on a vehicle purchased in Indiana or any other state. You bought it and you own it. The only way you legally can return it in Indiana is if the dealer does not provide you with a title in 21 days. You then must demand the title in writing and the dealer has another 10 days to supply you with the title. If you do not get it after that time period you can return the car and demand a refund.

Is there a lien on this 2004 Honda vehicle Identification number JH2PEO5334M204218?

If there is a lien on the vehicle it will be listed on the title.

Where is title number on CA title?

CA does not record the title number on the CA registration card. The CA title number is listed in the bottom lower right hand corner of the CA title. Vehicle Registration Wizards -

Where is title number on CA registration?

CA does not record the title number on the CA registration card. The CA title number is listed in the bottom lower right hand corner of the CA title. Vehicle Registration Wizards -

Do you provide a seller a bill of sale on a cash purchase of a vehicle with a clear title?

You can if you would like but it is not mandatory.

What can you do if the seller delays producing a car title?

Generally you need to get your money back or sue for fraud. The seller of a vehicle must provide the title. End of story.

What are the requirements to take out a title auto loan?

The requirements for taking out a title auto loan are, being the age of 18 or older, the auto vehicle must not have financial dues, and must provide valid proof of vehicle ownership.

You lost your car title what to do?

Apply to your state's Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) for a duplicate or replacement title. If you have a loan on your vehicle, the DMV may be unable to give you (the owner) the title. Link to which states provide titles to owners even with liens:

Where does one purchase motorcycle trailers in Indiana?

When you are purchasing a vehicle, you should confirm the location and possession of the vehicle's title. If you have purchased the vehicle from a dealer, and have made all required initial payments, the dealer is required to deliver the title to you within 21 days of the date of the sale. If the dealer cannot deliver the title at the time of sale, you may request a 21-day affidavit from the BMV which the dealer is required to sign stating that he or she will deliver the title for the vehicle to you within 21 days of the date of sale.

What to do if there are 2 chassis number found in the vehicle?

Use the VIN that matches the VIN on the title.

How can you get a title for an abandoned semi?

Yes. You can apply for a "lost title" on any vehicle with no title. The only requirements are that you must contain and know the vin number (vehicle identification number), which is either listed on a little tag on the exterior side of the winshield, or located on the door jam of the driver side door.