"An auto mechanic" is correct, and "a auto mechanic" is not. "Auto" begins with a vowel - typically, these will be preceded by "an" rather than "a".
enviroment for auto mechanic?
An auto mechanic is a mechanic which specializes in auto repair and repair focused on cars and motorized vehicles. I believe you are meaning a car mechanic also.
No, you do not have to be a boy to be an auto mechanic. Women can also become auto mechanics.
training required for auto mechanic
An auto mechanic repairs cars. Usually the drive-train, brakes, and engine.
Yes, auto mechanics does have to finish schooling to be a licensed auto mechanic. You don't have to have schooling to work as a mechanic but if something goes wrong with someone's car then you would be liable like a licensed mechanic.
Some credible and affordable auto mechanic schools may be found in your area, as well as online and one popular institute is Universal Technical Institute, and most Technical schools should offer classes in auto mechanic. If you visit http://www.directoryofschools.com/auto-mechanic-school.htm or http://www.automechanicschools.com/ you can search for a nearby auto mechanic school in your state.
Ken Wright - auto racing mechanic - was born in 1940.
There are numerous online sites that offer information on how to become an auto mechanic. Follow this link for an informative acticle on how to become an auto mechanic: http://www.ehow.com/how_5134_become-auto-mechanic.html
There are several companies that make custom tools for an auto mechanic. Manufacturers like CHAIN have large machines that can custom make auto mechanic tools.
Black & Decker is a good brand of screwdriver set for an auto mechanic.