It is a question of cubic feet, not square feet.
A cubit = 1.5 feet so a cubit foot = 1.5 square feet, is a measure of area. The amount of natural gas required to heat a space needs a volume measure, a measurement in terms of its area is without any meaning.
Standard practice holds that it takes 5000 BTUs to heat a room 100 to 150 sq ft Figure on adding another 1000 BTUs for every 50 or so sq ft added. Hence , 400 to 450 sq ft would need about 10,000 BTUs
To properly size any furnace or ac unit a heat loss calculation should be done(heat gain for ac). Since two houses of the same size, one insulated well and the other not should not have the same size HVAC equipment. Therein lies the problem of sizing by sq ft. Do a search for HVAC Calc for a better idea of what I mean. This can be done by the home owner but is better left to a pro. Either way you will wind up better off and with equipment that suits what you actually need. Thus eliminating paying more for oversized equipment and shortening it`s lifespan by unecessary cycling on & off and also getting the most efficiency for your fuel $`s.
it would take 82
What ever it take to keep you warm - and add moisture to keep it toasty.
It typically takes longer for a house to heat up than to cool down. Heating up a house requires actively generating heat, while cooling down a house can often be achieved by simply allowing heat to escape through passive methods like opening windows or turning on fans.
You take the size of your home in square feet and times it by how many rooms you have. A 70,000 BTU furnace will heat a house 1600 square feet.
In the form of heat. The inside of the cardboard can get very hot in the summer.
9 yrs
1 at a minimum.
how to take out the heat on the dashboard
one should paint his house a light colour. Most people would think that you would want to paint it a dark colour to get heat quicker, which is true, but if u painted it a dark colour it would lose its heat quick. If u painted a house a light colour it would take a while to heat up, but it would take longer to cool down
0 seconds
i have no idea thats why i am asking you...
1 if you cut him thin enough