That depends on the size of the cantaloupe. However, in the average size, there would be more than 3 cups in just one of the melons.
How many potassium in cantaloupe
The cantaloupe has 4 layers.
Depends how big the cantaloupe is...
The word cantaloupe has three syllables. Can-ta-loupe.
One cup, in average is a cup.
Calories in a slice of cantaloupeThere are:Approx 35 calories in 1 slice, 1/8th of a large melon (about 6½ "diameter when whole)Approx 23 calories in 1 slice, 1/8th of an average melon (about 5" diameter when whole)Approx 19 calories in 1 slice, 1/8th of a small melon (about 4¼ "diameter when whole)Approx 10 calories per 1 ounce or 28g of cantaloupe melon.Approx 50 calories in a 5 ounce or 141g slice of cantaloupeFor the calories in other fruits, or for a fruit calorie chart that you can use as a daily guide, see the Related Questions section further down this page.
About 2.5 cups
there is about 250
The ingredients in a cantaloupe sherbet are: 1 ripe cantaloupe, 1/3 cup sugar, 2 cups cold, fat free milk, 1/4 oz unflavored gelatin, 1/4 cup light corn syrup, and 1/4 tsp salt.
HOW MANY CALORIES IN CANTALOUPE MELONHere are examples for cantaloupe melon by the slice, cup, weight, or portion serving.By weight or size or cup:47 calories in 10 cantaloupe melon balls150 calories in a small cantaloupe melon (4.25" diameter)180 calories in a medium or average size cantaloupe melon (5" diameter)227 calories in a large cantaloupe melon (6.5" diameter)53-55 calories in a cup of diced cantaloupe melon10 calories in each ounce, or 28 grams, of cantaloupe melonOr by the slice:35 calories in 1 average slice a -- 1/8th slice taken from a large size 6.5" diameter whole melon23 calories in 1 average slice -- 1/8th slice taken from a medium size 5" diameter whole melon19 calories in 1 average slice --1/8th slice from a small 4.25" diameter whole melonFor the free calorie charts and lists showing how many calories you should have in total per day for all foods, and for the Calories in Vegetables Chart, and the Calories in Fruit Chart, see the page links given below. Use the charts as daily guides for weight loss, or weight maintenance once you have reached your target weight.HOW MANY CALORIES PER DAY (for weight loss or weight maintenance)THE CALORIES IN VEGETABLES CHARTTHE CALORIES IN FRUIT CHART121 people, +others elsewhere, found this answer page useful.*Video: Cantaloupe health Benefits