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It is an accent such as FARAAD

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Q: What does two dots above the letter of your name mean?
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What does 13 in a bd mean?

XIII is the name of a comic serie by Jean Van Hamme and William Vance

If the suite number does not fit on the address line should it be on the line above or the line below?

A suite or apartment number would be placed on the line below the primary street address. According to FRANK'S COMPULSIVE GUIDE TO POSTAL ADDRESSES: In cases where the street name and number might be too long (e.g. for a database field, or for an automatic reader), any part of this line that denotes a sub-part of the main address (e.g. an apartment or suite number) can or should be put on a separate line above the street name and number.

What does 4k4 mean?

4k4 in some one's name means they have a nickname because 4k4 is leet-speak for a.k.a. which stands for "Also Known As"

What is difference between signature and initial?

If you come to think of it signature is more of like your own personal way you write your name, like in a cursive kind of way. Your initials really is just the first letter of your first and last name, BUT they could also be use as a signature i guess; that's pretty much what they are.

How do you create table in sql?

create table "table-name" -> exclude the quotes when creating the tableafter this a message will come : table created(row_name data type(limit of characters),... )for example(name varchar2(20)).This will make a column(attribute) in your table with the name "name" and data type varchar with character limit of can further add more attributes in the same insert values in the table you need this:insert into "table name" values(123,qwew,wsd,2342)the data in the brackets above depends on the attributes of your table.and now you have created a simple can update, delete, alter, drop the table.

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Name of 3 dots in Morse code?

3 dots mean the letter 'S' in Morse code. The classic way of remebering this is the phrase "SOS" which is 3 dots followed by 3 dashes and then 3 more dots.

Why are there two dots above the e in Bronte?

The two dots above the "e" in Brontë are called a diaeresis. It is used to indicate that the "e" is pronounced separately from the preceding vowel. It is a diacritic mark that helps with the correct pronunciation and emphasis of the name.

How do you pronounce Zoe with two dots above e?

The name "Zoë" with two dots above the "e" is pronounced as "Zoh-ee" with a long "o" sound and emphasis on the second syllable.

What is the name of the two dots above letters?

It is called a diersis or umlaut, depending on how it's being used.

City name in Pakistan that has 15 dots when written in urdu?

Pakpatan shareef has 15 dots.

What do two dots after a person's name on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall mean?

Dots are used to help find a name when one is looking for a name on a large panel. Each dot marks ten lines.

What is the name of the method of communication where dots and dashes are used to represent each letter of the alphabet?

The method of communication is called Morse code. Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a unique sequence of dots and dashes.

What do you call a horizontal line above a letter in a person's name?

if there is a line above the letter in person's name that means it's a long vowel sound

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Dots Johnson's birth name is Hylan Johnson.

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its known name to join the dots from H to A

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