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A forward contract is a private and customizable contract that needs to be settled at the end of the agreement and is traded over the counter.

A futures contract has standardized terms and is traded on an stock or commodity exchange, where prices are settled on a daily basis until the end of the contract.

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Forwards are customised contracts. Futures are those forwards which are traded under regulated environment, such as stock exchanges.

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Q: What is the basic difference between a forward and future market?
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How do you calculate a gain in stock price?

The % gain in a stocks price is calculated as the difference between the current market price and the price at which you bought divided by hundred. Ex: Assuming you bought shares of Google Inc same day last year for $100 and currently it is trading at $155. which means gain % is (155-100)/100 which is 55%

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a definition is brieflysummarizingsomething, so say define competitor you would say abusiness rival in the same market for products or services offered by an organisation but explaining you have to put ofr detail, so explain how hitler came to power you would have to go on further detail and apply yourknowledge. Basically definition is brief and short and explain you apply your knowledge and give detail

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