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DIM nums(10) CLS FOR i = 0 TO 9 nums(i) = (RND * 10) + 1 PRINT nums(i) NEXT PRINT : PRINT "Press Enter to sort numbers" rem pause to look at numbers DO WHILE INKEY$ = "": LOOP CLS FOR loop1 = 0 TO 9 FOR loop2 = loop1 + 1 TO 9 IF nums(loop1) > nums(loop2) THEN SWAP nums(loop1), nums(loop2) NEXT NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 9: PRINT nums(i): NEXT
i=2 rem=1 echo -e "Enter a number: \c" read num if [ $num -lt 2 ]; then echo -e "$num is not prime\n" exit 0 fi while [ $i -le `expr $num / 2` -a $rem -ne 0 ]; do rem=`expr $num % $i` i=`expr $i + 1` done if [ $rem -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "$num is prime\n" else echo -e "$num is not prime\n" fi
1)strong number1 declare2 n number(3);3 fact number(3):=1;4 rem number(3);5 m number(3);6 sum1 number(3):=0;7 begin8 dbms_output.put_line('enter a number');9 n:=&n;10 m:=n;11 while(n>0) loop12 rem:=mod(n,10);13 for i in 1..rem loop14 fact:=fact*i;15 end loop;16 sum1:=sum1+fact;17 n:=trunc(n/10);18 fact:=1;19 end loop;20 if(sum1=m) then21 dbms_output.put_line(m' IS STRONG NUMBER');22 else23 dbms_output.put_line('IT IS NOT STRONG NUMBER');24 end if;25* end;
2 rem
solution for nth decimal place in pi value ---------------------------------------------------------------- int i=1,rem = 22%7,result=22/7; while(i<=n) { rem = rem*10; result = rem/7; rem = rem%7; i++; } printf("nth decimal%d",result); input: 15(means 15th decimal place in pi value)...
i=2 rem=1 echo "Enter a number" read num if [ $num -lt 2 ] then echo "$num is not prime" exit 0 fi while [ $i -le `expr $num / 2` -a $rem -ne 0 ] do rem=`expr $num % $i` i=`expr $i + 1` done if [ $rem -ne 0 ] then echo "$num is prime" else echo "$num is not prime" fi
REM A equals 5 END Print all let equals 7? ...when you RUN the above QBASIC program by pressing function key [F5]; then, the Output Screen will display the following... Press any key to continue... In other words, a totally 'blank screen' will be shown; followed by the usual 'Press any key to continue...' message; pressing any key will return you straight back to the Editor Screen; where you can continue writing code. Also, see FOOTNOTE(2) below. ==== FOOTNOTE(2): CONCERNING THIS PARTICULAR LINE OF QBASIC CODE REM A equals 5 END Print all let equals 7? Even if we were take away the REM statement from this line of code; in order to make that code executable. We would get nothing but ERROR MESSAGES! Because this is NOT correct QBASIC code! A equals 5 ...is wrong! There is no 'equals' statement in QBASIC; instead, the line should have said... A=5 ...where = is the assignment symbol/read the = sign as saying 'becomes the value of'...so, A becomes the value of 5. END ...is correct QBASIC code; but, that would also mean the program ends here. So, whatever lines following this END statement would NOT get executed! Print all ...is more nonsense; first PRINT which is a valid QBASIC statement; should have been written using all capital letters. Second, QBASIC code doesn't have an 'all' statement. Unless you were using 'all' as a variable name; in which case the output would simply show as, nil; that is, if you haven't already assiged the 'all' variable name a value. So, if all is an unintialised variable name then the value printed out would be.... 0 let equals 7 ...more nonsense, again, I'm afraid! LET, written using capital letters, is a correct QBASIC statement; but, it's meant to be followed by a variable name; and, in this case there's none; unless 'equals' is meant to be a variable name. Then, the code should have been written as... LET equals = 7 Even when I've gone and corrected the code to say the following... A=5 END PRINT all LET equals = 7 ...still doesn't make any sense?! The program would silently execute the first line; then, immediately, stop...when it gets to reach the second line END statement; there would be no output being shown at all; only a blank screen. Plus, all other lines of code...after the END statement...would be completely ignored. Frankly, I don't understand this line of code at all?! I think, it's written out entirely wrong; probably, that's exactly why it's been deliberately commented out using REM.
Anywhere really. A data statement (or REM statement) - can be placed anywhere within the program, because the operating system ignores all REM statements.
5 CLS 10 REM PROGRAM TO ADD FIRST 7 EVEN NUMBERS 20 EV = 2 30 SUM = 0 35 PRINT "NUMBERS="; 40 FOR I = 1 TO 7 50 SUM = SUM + EV 55 PRINT EV; 60 EV = EV + 2 70 NEXT I 95 PRINT 80 PRINT "SUM="; SUM 90 END http://arnavguddu.6te.net/
REM initialise arrays count%=1 DIM first$(10) DIM last$(10) DIM address1$(10) DIM address2$(10) DIM postcode$(10) DIM phone$(10) DIM dob$(10) DIM email$(10) REM read file infile%= OPENIN ("U: " WHILE NOT EOF# (infile%) LF=10 INPUT# infile%, text$ IF ASC(text$) = LF THEN text$ = MID$(text$,2) REM ignore blank lines REM add 8 field values to arrays FOR field%=1TO8 compos%=INSTR(text$,",") value$= LEFT$(text$,compos%-1) IF field%=1 THEN last$(count%) = value$ IF field%=2 THEN first$(count%) = value$ IF field%=3 THEN address1$(count%) = value$ IF field%=4 THEN address2$(count%) = value$ IF field%=5 THEN postcode$(count%) = value$ IF field%=6 THEN phone$(count%) = value$ IF field%=7 THEN dob$(count%) = value$ IF field%=8 THEN email$(count%) = value$ text$=MID$(text$,compos%+1) REM remove value and comma from existing string NEXT field% count%=count%+1 ENDWHILE PRINT last$(count%) REM DO Search REPEAT surnamesearch$="" monthsearch%=0 INPUT "Search for (S)urname or (M)onth or (Q)uit?" choice$ REM Search surnames IF choice$="S" OR choice$="s" THEN REM Get search term WHILE surnamesearch$="" INPUT "Enter surname:" surnamesearch$ ENDWHILE REM loop through array FOR i%=1 TO 6 IF INSTR(last$(i%),surnamesearch$)THEN COLOUR 3 PRINT first$(i%) PRINT last$(i%) PRINT address1$(i%) PRINT address2$(i%) PRINT postcode$(i%) PRINT phone$(i%) PRINT dob$(i%) PRINT email$(i%) PRINT "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" COLOUR 0 ENDIF NEXT i% ENDIF REM search months IF choice$="M" OR choice$="m" THEN REM Get search term WHILE monthsearch%>12 OR monthsearch%<1 INPUT "Enter Month (MM) : " monthsearch% ENDWHILE REM format month to 2 character string with slashes for searching search$=STR$(monthsearch%) IF LEN(search$)=1 THEN search$="0" +search$ ENDIF search$="/"+search$+"/" REM loop through array FOR i%=1 TO 6 IF INSTR(dob$(i%),search$) THEN COLOUR 3 PRINT first$(i%) PRINT last$(i%) PRINT address1$(i%) PRINT address2$(i%) PRINT postcode$(i%) PRINT phone$(i%) PRINT dob$(i%) PRINT email$(i%) PRINT "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " COLOUR 0 ENDIF NEXT i% ENDIF UNTIL choice$="Q" OR choice$="q" CLS PRINT "goodbye"
int n,m,rem; ... n=76; m=19; rem=n%m;
One sievert is equivalent to 100 rem (Roentgen equivalent man).
//program to print the reverse of a number within 'int' range//#include#includevoid main(){int num,rem,sum=0;printf("\n Enter a number : ");scanf("%d",&num);printf("\n\n Reverse is : );while(num>0){if(num
Step 1: Start Step 2: Read n Step 3: Temp=n Step 4: arm=0 Step 5: If n is not equal to 0, rem=n%0 arm=arm+(rem*rem*rem) Step 6: n=n/10, goto 5 Step 7: If n=0, then if temp=arm, print No. is armstrong Step 8: if temp is not equal to arm print No. is not armstrong Step 9: Stop
write the following on gw basic in capital 10 rem "to print a pattern" 20 cls 30 print tab(30) * 40 print tab (29)*** 50 print tab (28)***** 60 end 70 run and there will be a pattern