Shaving has no affect on hair growing faster. The only thing that shaving does with hair is makes it so that when it grows, it looks thicker, due to the angle of the cut that occurs when using a shaver or a razor.
Honestly, no way.
You can't really speed it up but it is said shaving thickens it if you mean facial
Eat lots of protein.
You don't. Hair has an established growth rate. You cannot speed it up.
No, much of it depends on your genes. For example, people of Pakistani descent- with dark hair & skin- often grow beards faster (maybe as early as age 12) than people of Polish descent (who may be as late as age 17)- with light hair & skin. Besides, there is no rush to speed up facial hair growth since shaving just ends up being another problem. If you are concerned about short term growth, shaving will not make it grow faster, but the hair will be coarser and more even.
The website does an excellent job summarizing hair growth issues as well as offering suggestions for restoration. They include both medical/surgical solutions as well as natural.
Speed (amphetamine) can typically be detected in hair follicles for up to 90 days. The detection window can vary based on individual factors such as drug usage frequency, metabolism, and hair growth rate.
theres nothing you can do to speed theese things up,they take time and facil hair will grow when its ready. theres nothing you can do to speed theese things up,they take time and facil hair will grow when its ready.
Apart from mating sure that you are eating healthily, there really isn't anything you can do to speed up hair growth. The body will do its thing, at its own pace.